
Mindfulness teacher

I trained to teach mindfulness with Oxford University Mindfulness Centre. I lead three courses: Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), MBCT for Life and Finding Peace in a Frantic World. I am supported by a supervisor and I follow the Mindfulness Teachers’ Good Practice Guidelines.

Mindfulness improves wellbeing

Thousands of peer reviewed scientific papers prove that mindfulness can help reduce anxiety and depression. You don’t have to suffer from a mental health issue to benefit. Mindfulness also helps people flourish and appreciate more that life has to offer.

Pebbles on beach

Online mindfulness courses

Do you want to manage your stress levels and deal more skilfully with the ups and downs of life? Or perhaps you feel life is passing you by and simply want to make the most of this precious time.

I run several courses including “Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World“. The next course starts soon. Find out what’s involved.


If you want to be informed about future courses email me julia@juliapowell.co.uk